Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How become less dependant from Web Portals? #JHedzWorlD

First of all I would like to apologice for my english, is not my mother tongue but I wasn´t abble to find a forum like this in my own language :)

Now to the topic.

My company (wich belongs to educational sector) expends quite a lot of money on Web Portals in order to get customers, we want to get rid of them and become independent. Because we are, literally, on their hands. When their marketing campaigns are a failure our ROI is ridiculous.

Currently we are working on three lines:

– SEO (VERY slow and very strong competition): We are deeply considering create alternative e-commerce platforms and websites and start a SEO bombing strategy in order to get quick results.
– Increasing SEM budget: There is no room for more investment without throwing the money away.
– E-mail Marketing: Well… it´s e-mail marketing, conversion rate is quite small unless special offers are thrown.

We can´t focus any attention into custommer loyalty because of the nature of our business. I´m looking for new ideas, suggestions… anything will be appreciated.

Thank´s for your attention :)


How become less dependant from Web Portals? #JHedzWorlD

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