Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Is a cardboard box allowed as carry-on luggage? – #JHedzWorlD

Is a cardboard box allowed as carry-on luggage? – #JHedzWorlD



I know that I can use a cardboard box as check-in luggage if it is under the size and weight limits.

But I want know if I can carry-on a cardboard box on a domestic flight within the USA, as this will allow me to carry few extra Kilos.

All the information I got from searching the internet is about the check-in luggage. I’m wondering if anyone has tried it as carry on luggage too (considering it will be under the carry-on bag limits)?

In general, as long as the box meets the size and weight restrictions for carry-on luggage, you can bring it into the cabin.

Luggage restrictions generally do not concern the material from which the luggage is made.

I’ve seen them used, by my family and others, and it’s generally not been a problem.

A few points to consider – they’re more easily used as (disposable) check in bags, because someone else will be carrying them – for a carry-on, you might want to devise a strap or the like to lift with, as it does get annoying to carry a box (particularly a heavy one, to fit the ‘extra kilos’) all the way through the airport, since there’s fewer ways to carry it securely.

You might consider one of those super-cheap lightweight collapsible duffles as an alternative – we used to have a couple tucked into the outer pocket of the suitcases so if we ended up with something bulky or heavy, we could produce an extra ‘bag’ and repack on the spot to make everything fit the luggage limits.

Or take Moyli’s suggestion, to use a bag to more conveniently carry the box. it’s just about what’s easier for you.

Years ago I did this when I moved to a new country. I wanted to bring my desktop computer, so I measured it to confirm it was within the allowed measurements, and traveled with it wrapped in very soft cardboard.

I did complete my three flights without issues, but it did raise some eyebrows with the employees: at one check-in counter the employee claimed that it was not the right size, but I solved that by showing her that the computer fit perfectly in the measuring basket they had.

Be prepared to have the box X-ray’d and to open the box for inspection, other than that, I don’t see why not.


Is a cardboard box allowed as carry-on luggage? – #JHedzWorlD

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