Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Poop emoji made from a termite mound is the roadside art we need #JHedzWorlD

Poop emoji made from a termite mound is the roadside art we need #JHedzWorlD




Here is some roadside artwork everyone can get behind.

While the poop emoji may be in everyday use on our smartphones, real life versions are an uncommon sight.

A roadside poop emoji made from a termite mound may be the start of a new trend. Located on the side of a road somewhere between the Western Australian towns of Karratha and Fortescue, you’ll have to drive to find it, but you can bet it will be worth it.

The artists behind the sculpture are local couple Danny and Amanda Fitzgerald, who decided to get crafty after Danny noticed the termite mounds in the area bore a strong similarity to the Internet’s most famous clump of poo. Read more…

More about Australia and Watercooler

Poop emoji made from a termite mound is the roadside art we need #JHedzWorlD

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